Our Services

Our Services

Research, Development and Innovation

We explore new frontiers to bring sustainable innovation and advanced technological solutions to our field.


Expand your business horizons, opening doors to global markets and international partnerships.


We develop professional skills through specialized training programs tailored to your needs.

Events and networking

We create opportunities to connect by organizing events and networking sessions, facilitating collaboration and exchange of ideas.

Dissemination and promotion of activities of interest to members

We promote your activities and initiatives by disseminating relevant information, ensuring visibility and market recognition.

Our Services

Research, Development and Innovation

Within the Research, Development and Innovation service, we are dedicated to exploring and implementing advanced technological solutions to meet current and future needs. We invest in research and development projects, collaborating with experts in diverse fields to bring sustainable and effective innovations to market.

Our Services


Our Internationalization Service helps businesses to expand their presence in global markets by providing strategic and logistical support for entering new markets. We facilitate international partnerships, promote collaboration and identify growth opportunities in different regions of the world.

Our Services


Through our Training services, we are committed to developing the professional skills of your teams by offering training programs tailored specifically to the needs of each organization. Whether it be refresher or personal development courses, we ensure a continuous and effective learning process.

Our Services

Events and Networking

We organize networking events and sessions designed to bring together professionals from different industries, facilitating the exchange of ideas and collaboration. These meetings are ideal opportunities to build valuable relationships and discover new business opportunities.

Our Services

Dissemination and Promotion Activities of Interest to Members

Through the Dissemination and Promotion service, we make sure that your activities and initiatives are known to the general public. We promote our members' events, projects and results, ensuring that they receive the visibility and recognition they deserve in the marketplace.

Explore the „Plaiul Fagului” Reservation with the "Dealurile Măgurii" Tourism Cluster


Tourist route

The trail is about 2.3 km long and can be covered in 2-3 hours. All along the trail, visitors are introduced to the vegetation and animal world of the reserve. This varies from season to season. In spring, for example, the carpet of vegetation, which is a mottled raw green with a multitude of flowers, is soothing to the eye. Birds caress your ears with their wonderful songs. In the summer the forest offers you its coolness combined with the scent of flowers and birdsong. Along the way, you'll come across a string of rare plants. Autumn - the same carpet of vegetation, but with a harmoniously blended color spectrum of yellowish, reddish and golden. In winter - everything is a pristine white. The animal world (deer, roe deer, wild boar) is most easily observed in this season, as they are
is concentrated in the center of the reserve, where additional food is placed. The reserve can be visited by nature-loving tourists eager to learn as much as possible about the world around them. The reserve is open to them and to many others who want to get to know their country better, get quality information about the place they are visiting and find out ways to enrich their eco-tourism experience.

Our Services

Tourism in the Reservation

Center for Ecological Information and Education The reconstruction and creation of this center was made possible thanks to the project "Development of rural tourism on the territory of Ungheni district through sustainable use of natural resources", funded by the Polska Pomoc Program, Poland. The project was implemented by the Romincka Forest Foundation, Poland and the Nature Reserve "Plaiul Fagului", in cooperation with the Ungheni District Council and the Ungheni Agency for Regional Development and European Integration. The Ecological Information and Education Center has a conference room with a capacity of up to 50 people and 12 accommodation places.

The "PLAIUL FAGULUI" NHSRN is located in the north-western part of the Central Plateau of Codrilor, with an area of 5573.7 ha. Plaiul Fagului Nature Reserve is located about 75 km north-west of Chisinau, between the communes of Bahmut, Vălcineț and Temeleuți - Calarasi district, Rădenii- Vechi and Cornești - Ungheni district, Miletesti - Nisporeni district. From the administrative point of view, the forest fund of the Nature Reserve "Plaiul Fagului" is located in the territorial radius of 3 districts: Ungheni (s. Rădenii-Vechi, s.Cornești) - 5201,2 ha;Nisporeni (s. Milești) - 344,5 ha; Călărași (s.Temeleuți) - 28,0 ha. The Forest Fund represents a wide variety of phytofaunal species specific to the north-western part of the Central Plateau of the Codrii: stands of trees located on the most diverse soils; - relief elements, expressed by a wide variability of altitudes and slope exposure. Here the contrast is combined with the creative element of the environmental factors, which explains the coexistence of representatives of different species of plants and animals. The reserve, with its status of environmental protection and scientific research, has from the outset become a natural laboratory at the disposal of biodiversity research institutions. The collaborators of the reserve together with the Institute of Zoology and Botanical Garden (Institute) research the most diverse problems of flora and fauna biodiversity.

The territory of the "Plaiul Fagului" Reservation with various types of natural forest, wetland and open type ecosystems represent important areas of biodiversity conservation, with much lower anthropogenic disturbances than in adjacent territories. The reserve is
an attractive natural area from the faunistic point of view, where the most diverse types of habitats and microhabitats are present, where there are favorable conditions for the development of the most diverse groups of invertebrate and vertebrate animals. So far, 1011 species of invertebrates have been recorded in the territory of the reserve, of which 149 - colembola and 862 - insects.
Of these, 39 species are included in the Red Book of the Republic of Moldova, protected locally or internationally, such as Anax imperator, Leucorrhinia pectoralis, Carabus
variolosus, Cerambyx cerdo, Cucujus cinnaberinus, Rosalia alpina, Morimus funereus, Lucanus cervus, Rhysodes sulcatus, Papilio machaon, Saturnia pyri, Zerinthia polixena, Neptis sappho, Lycaena dispar, Formica polyctena, Formica pratensis and others.
Terrestrial vertebrates include 11 species of amphibians, 8 species of reptiles, 154 species of birds and 55 species of mammals, including rare nationally protected species
and European - Triturus cristatus, Lissotriton vulgaris, Pelobates fuscus, Emys orbicularis, Vipera berus, Coronella austriaca, Cygnus olor, Aquila pomarina, Hieraaetus pennatus,
Milvus migrans, Falco peregrinus, Dryocopus martius, Spermophilus suslicus, Myoxus glis, Martes martes, Lutra lutra and many others The high diversity of habitats ensures the existence and prosperity of populations of rare species, as well as a stable balance in the functioning of ecosystems. The Beech Plain Reserve is an oasis for the survival and recovery of animal species in the central part of the republic, being an important area for biodiversity conservation, with much lower anthropogenic disturbance than in adjacent territories


Plaiul Fagului Natural Reservation

Feel free to discover the beauty!

The "Dealurile Măgurii; it is an example of how sustainable development and collaboration can transform a region. Come and discover the beauty and authenticity of Ungheni, where ancient traditions meet modern innovation, creating unforgettable experiences.